Sunday, May 8, 2011

Darjeeling and Deaf school

Darjeeling, India
My teammate and I arrived safely in Darjeeling, and had a wonderful visit while we were there! We stayed for three weeks, and fortunately the Himalayan mountains came out a few days while we were there! Darjeeling is literally a city built on the side of the foothills of the Himalayas, and in the right time of year you can see the Himalayan mountains; we were not there at the right time of year, but we still did get to see the mountains a couple of times when the fog cleared enough. It was so beautiful there! While we were there my teammate and I stayed with a family who ran a Deaf school and who lived right on the campus of the Deaf school. We got to spend a lot of time getting to know this family, and getting to hang out with the Deaf students at the school. We also helped teach in the school. My teammate helped teach art, I helped teach English and social studies, as well as some American Sign Language. We also taught them some skits, and got to hang out with  them. It was so much fun, and I enjoyed getting to know these students, but I missed my Deaf students in Nepal and could not wait to get back. While in Darjeeling, my teammate and I also got to visit the zoo there, and see the Himalayan wolves, and Asian bears. It was really fun! I am so glad and thankful we got to spend that time there! Right before we left, the Deaf school had me and my teammate both plant a tree so that the school would always remember us and so it would be there if we are ever able to go back. I miss the students there and the family we stayed with, but I am glad to be back in Nepal and with my Deaf students here.

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