Saturday, May 28, 2011

Teaching & White Water Rafting

I cannot believe that I only have about two months left here... I am looking forward to seeing my family and friends again, but I am not looking forward to leaving and to having to say goodbye to my friends here, especially the Deaf students. During this month of May I have been spending as much time as a I can at the Deaf school, since I know I only have a short time left. I am still teaching the same classes I was teaching before, though I have now been helping plan lessons for the first/second grade class and the third/fourth. I come up with questions to write on the board: like name ten animals, or name the 12 months (American), or things like that. Then the students write the answers in their notebooks, and I check their work. The students enjoy this, and try and get done as quickly as possible and then if there's time ask me to think of more. I also still spend a lot of time hanging out with them when school gets out for the day, and I go over and hang out with them on their days off. My teammate and I also got to go white water rafting this month with some of the medical students. That was really awesome! We were gone the whole day. It was so beautiful and so much fun! Also, the monsoon season has started a little bit, so everything is getting so green and pretty and no longer ugly and brown and dry. I love it here! I also got to go to a wedding of one of the relatives of the principal at the Deaf school, that was really interesting. It was a lot different from the weddings in America, but I really enjoyed it. My teammate and I will be leaving in a couple of days to head back to Kathmandu for a week or so to visit and renew our visas again. I wish I did not have to be away from the Deaf school, especially with it being so close for us to leave, but I am also looking forward to the trip too. Please pray for safe travels. 

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