Sunday, June 19, 2011

Last weeks, and a Wedding

Hanging out with the Deaf students
We are now safely back in Dharan, and we had a really good visit in Kathmandu! But I am glad to be back and able to spend more time with the Deaf students. While we were in Kathmandu, I was able to visit the Deaf school there, and see two of my seventh graders who had graduated and gone on to continue their education there. I am so glad I got to see them again! I have missed my seventh grade class. Not long after we returned I also got to go with the Deaf teacher and visit his family in Damak. His wife and daughter are so sweet and I am so glad I got to see them again and spend time with them. We stayed for two days and one night. We also visited the Deaf school near there, and I got to see four of my seventh graders who had graduated and gone onto continue their education there. I am so glad I got to see them again too, and spend some time hanging out with them for a little bit! It has also been really neat to see so many different cities in Nepal, and visit the Deaf schools. This makes four of the eight main Deaf schools in Nepal that I have been able to visit, plus the one in Darjeeling. I also got to go to another wedding of one of the relatives of the principal at the Deaf school in Dharan. I really enjoy getting to experience the culture here and getting to know the people and see how they live. Besides hanging out at the Deaf school and with everyone there, I have also been able to hang out some with the teachers from the mentally handicapped school where my teammate has been teaching. They have invited the two of us over for dinner a couple of times, and come over to our house a few times, and we went on a picnic together. They are so sweet and friendly, and I have enjoyed getting to know them. Everyone we have met here has been so friendly, and feel like family. I love it! We now only have a couple weeks left here, and I am not looking forward to having to say goodbye to everyone. I am so thankful I had this opportunity, and I hope I can come back someday. I am really going to miss everyone here, especially the Deaf students.Please pray that we have a good last few weeks here, and for travel safeties back home.

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