Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Saying Goodbye :(

My Deaf Students
Leaving Dharan and the Deaf school was so hard. Before I left, the school had a going away party for me. They had a big ceremony with the students, teachers, and principal, as well as some other people (I cannot remember who they were). The students had all made bunches of necklaces and bracelets out of flowers that they put around my neck and wrists. Then everyone there came up and rubbed red powdered stuff on my face. I am not sure what all of it meant, but I felt very honored. One of the students gave a "speech", and then they had me give a "speech" (all in sign language). The principal said a little something. It was all so sweet and thoughtful. They gave me two plaques, a nice letter, and a bag. After it was over I ran back to the house to clean up a little bit, and then came back to the school for dinner, and one last goodbye. I already miss them so much. I wish I did not have to go, the time went by way too fast, but I am glad to be going back to America and to see my family and friends again. I hope I can go back to Nepal someday. My teammate and I stayed a few days in Kathmandu, before flying back to New Delhi. All of us have returned from our different cities and are having a short debriefing for a couple days, and then we will all be going home. I cannot believe this trip, this six months, is already over.

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