Sunday, July 17, 2011

Visiting the Taj and Safe return to America

The Taj Mahal
I am now safely back in America, with my family. Praise God for a good trip, a wonderful six months in South Asia, and safe travels! During one of the days in India, before we all headed home, we had the amazing opportunity to go to Agra and see the Taj Mahal and the Red Fort. We got to tour the Taj Mahal, which was really awesome! And we got to tour the Red Fort, which in my opinion is a lot cooler than the Taj. The Red Fort is like a castle, complete with a moat (that no longer holds water) and a draw bridge! It was huge and a lot of fun to explore. I am so glad we got to spend the day visiting these amazing places! I am also very glad to be back with my family. Getting back to them was quite an adventure in itself. When I left to go to South Asia my family and I had been speaking at Churches in Florida, so I flew out of the Miami airport. But when I returned from South Asia, my family was speaking at Churches in Nebraska. I, however, had gotten a round trip ticket and flew back into the Miami airport (because it was cheaper). So a friend of my family's, who lived in Florida, picked me up from the Miami airport and drove me to the Ft. Lauderdale airport where I flew out of to Nebraska (because it was cheaper). My flight getting into Miami was late, and then we got lost on the way to the Ft. Lauderdale airport, so I was definitely pushing the time to make my flight to Nebraska, but thankfully I did make it. I will be with my family the rest of the summer, as we travel and speak in Churches on a Biblical view of life, and then I am not sure what I will be doing this Fall. I know that God is leading me elsewhere, rather than to return to Tennessee Temple University to finish up my Bachelor's degree, I am just not sure where it is that He is leading me yet, but I know that He will reveal that to me in His timing. Please pray for me as I continue to seek God's guiding about what He has planned for me next.

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