Friday, February 18, 2011

Beginning to Teach

The Deaf School where I teach
The Deaf students returned from their break and started school back on February 10. I was kind of nervous, but also excited about getting started. I have never taught before, so this will definitely be a new experience for me, and although I know American sign language, I do not know the Nepalese sign language (except for a few signs now). 
That first day, February 10, one of my supervisors went with me to explain (since none of the teachers or the principal at the Deaf school can speak English really good and since I don't know Nepali and she does) that I would just observe the first two weeks and then begin to help teach the third week, since I don't know Nepalese sign language yet, and so I could have an opportunity to look at the curriculum they use, and observe how they teach (and hopefully learn from them since I had no experience in teaching). So my first day I started out in the first and second grade class observing, and then also observed some in the fifth and seventh grade class (at this time they do not have any sixth graders). The Deaf teacher in the first and second grade class taught me some more of the local sign language, and he also asked a lot of questions about my family and American culture, and I in turn was able to ask him about his family and Nepalese culture. My second day on the job, while I was observing in the fifth grade class, when the teacher got finished he asked me to take over and left the room. I had no idea what to do, I only knew a few signs, and I had not even looked at any of the school books they use, but thankfully one of the students from the seventh grade class came over and helped me. 
When I first stood up there in front of the class to teach, I wondered why I was here and I felt so weak, I did not even know enough Nepalese sign to teach these students some basic English, how in the world could I tell them about God's love for them? I was so thankful when the seventh grade boy stepped up to help me. And later that evening after school while I was having my quiet time, God showed me 1 Corinthians 1:27, that says that He uses the weak and foolish of the world to shame the wise and strong by working through them with His power, and God revealed to me that though I was weak and foolish He had brought me here and He could work through me to show His power. 
So that first week at the school, instead of just observing like planned, I also began to help teach. In the first and second grade class I did continue to observe, and the Deaf teacher continued to help me learn the sign language, but in the fifth and seventh grade classes I observed the teacher for a little bit and then he had me take over teaching, but it was more the students teaching me then me teaching them. Sometimes the teacher in the fifth and seventh grade classes would write new English vocabulary words on the blackboard, along with the Nepali equivalent, and then he would go over the signs for the new vocab. Then he would leave the room, and one of the students would help me go over the vocabulary again (though as I did this more and more I was able to catch on quicker and remember the signs). Other times the teacher would teach a little, and then I would take over, and one of the students would help me sign through the lesson in their English books.  If we got finished early with the lesson, the students would ask me questions about my family and American culture, and about myself, like what my favorite things are (food, movies, etc), and I would ask them questions about themselves and their families. One day I also brought some pictures of my family to the school and was able to show the students, which was a lot of fun! Although I was really nervous that first week at the school and struggled a little, the students were so sweet and helpful, which helped me get through it and get over my nervousness. I really love it and am so excited about the next few months here! Please pray for things to continue to go smoothly at the schools, and please pray that God would equip me to teach.

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