Tuesday, February 8, 2011

First Week in our City

Some of the Deaf Students
The first day after our arrival in Dharan, my teammate and I visited the blind school and mentally handicapped school where my teammate will be teaching, and then visited the Deaf school where I will be teaching. The Deaf students were taking exams, so we did not stay long, but I did get to meet quite a few of the students, and some of the teachers, as well as the principal. Even though we could not stay long, I enjoyed meeting the students, they were very sweet and friendly, and eager to introduce themselves and get to know me. There are about fifty students at the school, ages five to twenty-one years, and up to the seventh grade. Most of the students live at the school during the school year (it's a boarding school), but a few of them do live with their parents in town near the school. There are six teachers, two of whom are Deaf. The next day I was able to observe at the Deaf school while the students took their exams. I mostly hung out in the first and second grade class, where one of the Deaf teachers taught. While the students were taking their exams, the Deaf teacher taught me some of the native sign language they use here (every country has its own sign language).  Unfortunately after the exams, the Deaf students had a short break and went home to their families, so during our first week and a half here I have not had much to do. A few days after our arrival, my teammate and I did move into the house that her and I will be renting during our six months here. It's a pretty nice small two bedroom house. We have also been able to work a little bit on learning the language, learning our way around the city, learning how to cook like they do here, and meeting people. Please pray that the students have a safe break and all make it back safely when school starts back in a couple of days. Please pray for my teammate as she gets settled in to teaching at the blind and mentally handicapped schools. Please also pray for me as I will begin teaching at the deaf school in a couple of days.

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