Thursday, January 27, 2011

Getting to Our City

In Chitwan
After our week of orientation in New Delhi, all of us split up into our teams of two and began making the journeys to our cities. My teammate and I flew from New Delhi into Kathmandu, Nepal. As we were getting ready to land in Kathmandu, we got to see the Himalayan mountains from the plane, including Mt. Everest, which was really awesome! Our supervisors met us at the airport and we spent a few days enjoying Kathmandu. We got to tour the city a little and meet some of the locals. I especially enjoyed all the children that we met while walking the streets. Everyone we met was so kind and friendly, and the children loved getting their pictures taken. 
After our few days in Kathmandu, we began the long 12 hour drive to Dharan, Nepal, the city we will be working in. On the way we stopped in Chitwan, Nepal. Chitwan is a village and is right on a river. We only spent one day and night in Chitwan, but it was a lot of fun! My teammate and I got to ride in a dugout canoe on the river, ride a camel, and go on a two hour elephant ride through the jungle! We also visited an elephant birthing center and got to see the baby elephants. We then arrived in Dharan on January 26, and spent the night at our supervisors' house. Praise the Lord we had safe travels. Please pray for my teammate and I as we will be visiting the schools today and meeting the students. 

1 comment:

  1. I love your story of your travels and how the light of Jesus shines through you Caitlyn! God will use you to reach the deaf that they may hear the book.
