Thursday, January 20, 2011

Arrived Safely

Old Delhi
  I arrived safely in New Delhi, India, and met       up with the rest of the team (there are eight       other college students who will also be               working   in South Asia for six months). We       have had orientation all this week, and will         soon be splitting up into groups of two to head   to the different cities we will be working in. We   have been learning about the culture and the     people here, as well as the religions here, and the work that we will be doing. It has all been very interesting, but we have also been staying very busy. We have orientation in the morning, take a break for lunch, and then usually have a little more orientation in the afternoon. Then in the evening we get to "engage Delhi", which basically involves touring the city, meeting people, tasting the food, etc. We also took one whole day to tour the city of Old Delhi, including a lot of temples and mosques and other landmarks, which was really cool. I have really enjoyed this first week, but I am so excited and cannot wait to get to the city my teammate and I will be working in, and to meet the Deaf students I will be teaching. Please pray for travel safeties to get to our city and for everything to go smoothly. Please also pray that meeting up with our supervisors and getting started at the schools will go well. 

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