Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Arrival in North Carolina

Rest Stop on way to NC
I arrived safely in Concord, NC, on June 2, and met my supervisors and another girl who will also be working at the Deaf Camp this Summer. There are also three other people who arrived a day later who will also be helping this Summer. Things have kind of started off a little bit slow, but I am excited to see what God has in store for this Summer! I have enjoyed meeting the others who I will be working with and getting to know them a little bit. The Deaf Camp is hosted by a Deaf Church that is part of a hearing Church. The Deaf Church hosts a Summer Day Camp for the Deaf youth and children every year. I have enjoyed the Deaf Worship Services I have attended thus far, and meeting the Church members, as well as some of the youth and children who will be attending the Camp. Besides meeting people, and attending Church, we have also been working on getting things ready and planning for the Camp that will begin on June 13, as well as a trip that we will be taking to Memphis June 22-29, to help a Deaf Church down there start a Summer Camp for Deaf children and youth. Please pray for God to guide each of us concerning the Camp this Summer, please pray for each of the youth and children who will be coming out to the Camp and their families, and also pray for our trip to Memphis. Please also be in prayer for VBS which will start in a week. Also, please pray for strength and good health for each of us leaders and for God to use us this Summer. First day of Deaf Camp starts tomorrow! 
"Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us, to Him be glory... forever and ever." 
Ephesians 3:20-21
Sunset in NC

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